Mazafati dates

Mazafati Dates

Mazafati date known as Bam date is one of the products of Iran. Mazafati fresh dates have a moisture content of about 20-25%, so they are not considered dry fruits and have special storage conditions. It is sold in domestic and international markets and is in high demand during Ramadan. Dates are usually fertilized by pollination at the end of the winter months after date clusters are produced. After a while it has turned into several colors to collect them later in the summer. The origin of additional history Bam city in Kerman province has been the main source of additional dates. The best quality herbal medicines in the world are produced in this city. There is an inextricable link between this city and history, which makes the word-of-mouth recruiter an unparalleled reputation among the public. Properties and characteristics of Mozafati dates Mozafati dates are oval in shape and have a soft and juicy texture. It has a black, shiny, smooth and thin skin and is easily separated from the date flesh. The color is not black from the beginning, it is red, light brown, dark brown and finally dark purple. Like other dates, the crumb is different from the flesh. Dates are a rich source of potassium. Retb is considered a source of food because of its moisture and has a lot of energy. Eating dates can eliminate fatigue and give you energy. They usually buy dried dates during Ramadan because one of the fruits can increase a person's ability to be hungry.